Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So where was I?

Hard to keep my thoughts straight when I've been slacking! Shaaaame! So, I should probably get started...
...Follow me!

Ok, so the first thing I'll post is some pictures from when I went ice fishing a few weeks ago. I don't really have any good shots, but it adds to the story, so I'll throw them up here anyways.

From February 2009

The name of the frozen lake we were on more or less completely escapes me at the moment, but I think we turned on to 8 mile road, so maybe it's 8 mile lake. Or it could be that there was a road at the 8 mile point - can't really say. Anyways, it was pretty cool to be standing safely on a frozen lake. I remember as kids, playing in the snowy fields around our house and finding big frozen puddles to try to walk across, usually pretty unsuccessfully, mind you. It was a nice change to stay dry.

We began, or I should say Roger began by using a big red auger to drill through the ice.

From February 2009

After he had the holes drilled, he took some egg shells out of his coat and cracked them up into the fresh openings into the waters below. It's a clever way to illuminate the bottom. If you lay down and cover your head, you can see the bottom of the lake and all the fish swimming around from the light reflecting off the white of the shells. It was pretty neat.

We fished for about two hours with nothing more than some fishing line wrapped around a basic fishing rod. I should have gotten a picture of that, come to think of it. Actually I should be getting some really decent photos from this day, and I'll post them to my web album when I get them. One of Roger's friends who is an amateur photographer came along with us that day; a couple of the fish that were caught were thrown out near the tree line to try to lure in Bald Eagles, which is what the photo man was hoping to be able to snap some shots of. There was another family out on the ice with us though, and the dogs they had probably kept the eagles at bay.

I was out-fished [Roger: 5-6 | Me: 1].

1 comment:

Life is good in Koda's World said...

Adam, this is Esther. I admit to neutering you emotionally back in high school esp. during Don Quihote...BUT I did let you massage me back in study hall and espanol. Hope you're not freezing your balls off in Alaska, miss ya buddy.