Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My First Few Days

Second post tonight. Putting the first two together would have just made it ungodly long.

The past few days here have been so busy. Shopping, errands, running to and fro, sleeping on a futon, etc. etc. has been pretty tiring. I finally got in a decent nap today, and I have coffee brewing now, so hopefully i will be able to stay up later, so I can sleep in later to finally be fully adjusted to the new time zone.

Due to my life being indefatigable since we've started the process of packing back home, and it's continued up here, "bulleting" my thoughts seems the easiest way to keep it all straight.

  • Our flights were amazing. Being able to fly first class for most of the trip was top notch. It is totally worth the extra expense, hands-down. From the bigger seats to the better free food to the free wine, liquor, etc., it really is just better. Just don't be like me and while standing up smack your glass of wine off the little table only to splatter it on the airplane wall, yourself, and your girlfriend...
  • We lost 20 dollars in the vegas airport casinos.
  • Walking out of the Anchorage airport was like walking into a winter wonderland with what I call high-def x-mas lights strewn throughout the snow/frost laden trees.
  • The house we're staying in and housesitting for is cozy and great. And living with an ex-chef/baker makes it all the better. We were also greeted by three dogs upon arrival: Rascal (aka firefox), Newbuck (aka bear), and missy (curry's family's dog) They're great animals, although they're all a little off. Newbuck is the dog version of eeyore, rascal refuses to go outside, and missy is pretty highstrung.
  • The mountains look amazing during the sunsets when fog is laying across them.
  • There are A LOT of accidents. Most probably from newbies driving too fast. Daily we drive past cars in a snow bank, overturned, and/or in your run-of-the-mill fender benders. The main roads are mostly clear, but the ice that is left over is ingrained with gravel and has been grated to have texture so that you can get traction.
  • To get a drivers license, you have to take the written driving exam. I failed the first time due to not knowing some stupid laws about insurance and DUI penalties. psh...
  • Our car still isn't here (most likely due to the high winds in the gulf). Curry's dad has been nice enough to shuttle us around everywhere. One morning though, we broke down in the middle of a highway (alternator went) but some good Samaritans stopped, towed us, and helped us fix the problem. Thanks again guys!
  • Our apartment is perfect. We have an awesome view and we're in the rental office building, which means nicer units and better neighbors. Plus, the sauna, whirlpool, gym, and tanning bed are all in our building. Score.
  • Pics coming soon on picasa; I was going to use an awesome service called memeo, but you only get 1 GB free :-\
  • Curry has had two interviews so far, both of which went pretty well.
  • This weekend, we go to Curry's hometown of Seward to gather more supplies and to cook up some food since we'll be starting to stay in our apartment next week most likely.
And that has been my life over the past few days.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pic! How did you wind up in Alaska? We're on the Great Lakes since Anj graduated HS, and the wind is *ferocious*(and everyone gets sick). Looking forward to moving back to a warmer climate next year. Can you see the aurora at this time of year? And to top it off, you're in Palinworld... ; )Looks gorgeous.
Kiran and Anjuli's Mom - aka Mrs. Mal/Sherry/

Brandon said...

Hey Adam - definitely cool foto. Reminds me of the house in A Christmas Story. Congrats on getting the driver's license and good luck with continuing with your job search. Keep the posts coming! I'll stalk you if you stop:)

Aunt Eve said...

Hi Adam and Currie,
You look like an Alaskan already with all those clothes on. That reminds me of why I moved South, I hated to shovel snow, and drive in it.
You two will get great jobs because it is what the lord wants you to have at this time and place in your life.
I miss and Love you,
Aunt Evelyn